Wednesday, March 22, 2006

“Kick the can” is not an acceptable Iraq plan

"The strategy is working" - Bush, March 21 2006


"most of the country has remained relatively peaceful." - Bush, March 21 2006


"We're making progress because we've got a strategy for victory"


Kicking the can down the road is not a strategy for victory.

I can’t tell you how sick I am of the increased violence and deaths of innocent people in Iraq. But I am more sick of the free pass that the Busheviks are getting on the “Iraq victory strategy” while the Democrats are saddled with the task of either coming up with a plan to get out of a mess that we were lied into in the first place or being told that they have no plan.

Hell, when even Bush lackey Allawi says that Iraq has fallen into civil war, you know that things are real REAL bad over there.

You know what, when thousands of lives are lost, thousands of families are torn apart and the world falls to shit, this happy talk has got to stop. Bush says he has a plan for victory – let’s hear it.

If he wants to wear the Commander in Chief hat (and bomber jacket), then he has to play the part for real, not just pretend like he is on the playground playing soldier. We were told just last month by the [Moonie Times] that there never was any post-invasion plan. And [when 70% of people polled] say that there is no clear plan in Iraq, well, I think you better do more than say “we have a plan”.

*Well then, what the fuck is that plan, genius???*

I think the first step is to make sure a civil war doesn't break out. And that's why we're working with the leaders there in Baghdad to form a unity government.

Obviously, if there is difficulty on the streets, *the first line of defense for that difficulty will be the Iraqi forces, which have proved themselves in the face of potential sectarian violence, right after the bombing of the mosque in Samarra.*

The forces are – part of our strategy for victory is to give the forces the skills and the tools and the training necessary to defend their own country, whether it be against Zarqawi and the killers or whether it be those who are trying to spread sectarian violence. And they have proven themselves.

And so our position is, one, get a unity government formed; and secondly, prepare the Iraqi troops, and support Iraqi troops if need be, to prevent sectarian violence from breaking out.

Well, it is pretty tough to have a first line of defense as the Iraqi forces where there are [ZERO Iraqi battalions ready to fight alone].

So, Chimpy – you wanted to invade Iraq since before you were installed as President. You ignored all the warnings about a civil war, about not having enough troops, about reconstruction, about the pre war intelligence, about the cost in dollars and lives, and years. Yet, you say you have a “victory plan”. Then, at a minimum, tell us all how you are going to:

- Quell the violence between Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds;
- Quell the violence against American troops;
- Deal with a withdrawal plan to get our troops out of harm’s way, when even the Green Zone isn’t safe anymore;
- Deal with reconstruction – not just everything that you bombed to hell, like hospitals and homes but also to get electricity back, clean water back and stop the spread of disease;
- Deal with the medical issues that you caused by using white phosphorus and depleted uranium;
- Transition a government that is accepted by the Iraqis and recognized as legitimate by the Middle East;
- Reverse the anti-American sentiment that is felt around the entire world;
- Deal with the threat that is now on us by having the potential for civil war to spill over into Iran’s borders (or being encouraged by Iran);
- Deal with the PTSD of the veterans coming back to the US;
- Deal with the medical care that the veterans need when they return.

I am sure there are many more – so feel free to add any others in the comment section.

But we deserve way more than you have given us. The troops deserve way more. Their families deserve way more. This is YOUR problem that YOU created. Not the Democrats’ problem in 2009.

You say you have a victory strategy. Well, we are all ears.

I can't tell you how sick I am of the increased violence and deaths of innocent people in Iraq.  But I am more sick of the free pass that the Busheviks are getting on the "Iraq victory strategy" while the Democrats are saddled with the task of either coming up with a plan to get out of a mess that we were lied into in the first place or being told that they have no plan.

Hell, when even Bush lackey Allawi says that Iraq has fallen into civil war, you know that things are real REAL bad over there.

You know what, when thousands of lives are lost, thousands of families are torn apart and the world falls to shit, this happy talk has got to stop.  Bush says he has a plan for victory - let's hear it.

If he wants to wear the Commander in Chief hat (and bomber jacket), then he has to play the part for real, not just pretend like he is on the playground playing soldier.  We were told just last month by the Moonie Times that there never was any post-invasion plan.  And when 70% of people polled say that there is no clear plan in Iraq, well, I think you better do more than say "we have a plan".

Well then, what the fuck is that plan, genius???

I think the first step is to make sure a civil war doesn't break out. And that's why we're working with the leaders there in Baghdad to form a unity government.

Obviously, if there is difficulty on the streets, the first line of defense for that difficulty will be the Iraqi forces, which have proved themselves in the face of potential sectarian violence, right after the bombing of the mosque in Samarra.

The forces are - part of our strategy for victory is to give the forces the skills and the tools and the training necessary to defend their own country, whether it be against Zarqawi and the killers or whether it be those who are trying to spread sectarian violence. And they have proven themselves.

And so our position is, one, get a unity government formed; and secondly, prepare the Iraqi troops, and support Iraqi troops if need be, to prevent sectarian violence from breaking out.

Well, it is pretty tough to have a first line of defense as the Iraqi forces where there are ZERO Iraqi battalions ready to fight alone.  

So, Chimpy - you wanted to invade Iraq since before you were installed as President.  You ignored all the warnings about a civil war, about not having enough troops, about reconstruction, about the pre war intelligence, about the cost in dollars and lives, and years.  Yet, you say you have a "victory plan".  Then, at a minimum, tell us all how you are going to:

  • Quell the violence between Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds;

  • Quell the violence against American troops;

  • Deal with a withdrawal plan to get our troops out of harm's way, when even the Green Zone isn't safe anymore;

  • Deal with reconstruction - not just everything that you bombed to hell, like hospitals and homes but also to get electricity back, clean water back and stop the spread of disease;

  • Deal with the medical issues that you caused by using white phosphorus and depleted uranium;

  • Transition a government that is accepted by the Iraqis and recognized as legitimate by the Middle East;

  • Reverse the anti-American sentiment that is felt around the entire world;

  • Deal with the threat that is now on us by having the potential for civil war to spill over into Iran's borders (or being encouraged by Iran);

  • Deal with the PTSD of the veterans coming back to the US;

  • Deal with the medical care that the veterans need when they return.

I am sure there are many more - so feel free to add any others in the comment section.

But we deserve way more than you have given us.  The troops deserve way more.  Their families deserve way more.  This is YOUR problem that YOU created.  Not the Democrats' problem in 2009.  

You say you have a victory strategy.  Well, we are all ears.

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